Saturday, February 25, 2012

Psyche in Sagittarius: Me Gustas

Worldly/foreign men: Indians (junior high), elves (high school), nerds (college/early 20s), Hispanics (now).

There are several positions in my chart that turn this blue-eyed she-devil's blue eyes abroad. Most obviously my Aquarian Moon in the 9th house of travel. My Sun Sag (pronounced Saj plz!) and DC in Sag are in cahoots with my Moon on this, too. As happens every few months, I got bored just staring at my chart, willing my eyes to notice something interesting. So I rechecked some major asteroid positions (Eros, Psyche) and rediscovered my Psyche in Sagittarius. I couldn't really recall what Psyche was about (Eros is much easier to remember for this Venus Scorp/Scorp Vertex gal), so I looked up an interpretation:

PSYCHE IN SAGITTARIUS: Attracted to someone worldly, ethnically diverse, philosophically-oriented, and free-spirited. They are able to give others the freedom to be who they really are.

For pubescent me, this meant Indian men for some reason. Idk why this was the first type I fantasized about. I guess hispanic/black/asian men were too present in my everyday life to be exotic enough. Though how I got to thinking about Indian men particularly is a mystery. BUT, I do remember discovering "Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love" was a wellspring for my virginal fantasies.

After seeing LOTR, I became obsessed with Legolas and all things man-elf. Who could be more fucking worldly than an elf?! That's alternate reality worldly, there's no beating that! Unfortunately there were no elves for me to throw myself at so this phase didn't last very long.

My initial college years were spent at an extremely nerdy liberal arts school full of more quirky, witty nerd boys than I had ever encountered in all of SocalOCland. Definitely exotic compared to the bros back home!

And as of last year, my new type is the hispanic man. It was sparked by a 6 month fling/relationship thing with a guy from Spain. Unfortunately he had to return home to finish his PhD (I like dem that talk perty), and I left for Bolivia to study monkeys for 3 months. While there, I of course had a short-term relationship with a native Bolivian. I learned that Latin American Spanish is a smidgen sexier than Spanish from Espana. Since then I had that glorified pen pal/maintenance relationship with Mr. Puerto Rico. Oh and just before I left for Bolivia, but while I wasn't seeing Spanish guy for a while, I met a guy from Brazil. No sparks there though. Interesting fact - all the Spanish speaking guys were Earth Sun signs with Fire Moon signs - Taurus/Leo, Virgo/Aries, Virgo/Sag. Still haven't met a Cap guy that I'm interested in, though.

So what's the next type of exotic man that I'll fantasize about? Maybe the mythical dateable man?

Me gusta mucho Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal.

Venus in Scorpio: license to ho

"Yeah, men should be wanting you.  No need to pursue them.  If you have to pursue them, they suck."

It's both the sexiest and the most crippling position in my chart. Venus in Scorpio... conjunct Pluto. Add to this my mutual deception with Mars in Libra and, well...

That's not exactly true. I know exactly what I'm doing, I just have a hard time NOT doing it. It all starts with Neptune on my DC - every friend and romantic interest is automatically idealized as whatever I currently want. Make friends with a cool girl, we're gonna be super best friends! So many adventures in clubland/dateland await us *GRIN*  Meet a cute guy that seems intelligent and fun, I am already fantasizing about how adorable you find my lack of cooking skills (VERY).

The next phase involves an all out Scorpionic pursuit. My Sun in Sag and Moon in Aqu cool the passion somewhat and my Venus' fixed sign pride tries to appear nonchalant. Which is actually pretty easy bc current Mr. Wonderful doesn't know that I'm checking my text/email every hour for any new communication just to feed my twitterpation. Eventually though, my desire to connect overpowers my pride and I'll find any excuse to talk to my new interest if too much time has passed (around day is normal, right?).

Typically, I take up with guys that are equally interested, so I don't have to embarrass myself too badly. But recently I crossed paths with a ridiculously attractive narcissist and realized after a few weeks that things were never actually going to go anywhere (what guy texts a girl erratically for weeks, sends her a pic of his bedroom, but doesn't try to get in bed with her?!). I was merely his narcissistic supply feeding his weird ego needs. It was empowering for my Venus in Scorp to cut him loose (I was suuuuuuuuper mature about it even, bc my Mars in Libra is kind of a pussy...). "You disappeared!!" Yep Mr. hot Puerto Rican narcissist, you're incredibly unreliable and lack follow through. Though my Venus in Scorp still holds this retarded hope that he'll figure his shit out and contact me again.

Ha! Found an article that perfectly describes my situation: I was being "e-maintained." Didn't even get a hookup, which is both good and disappointing. At least my demanding Venus in Scorp only allowed me to waste 3 weeks on this BS.

Let the blogging begin!

I've lost interest in every blog I've attempted to maintain, but my roommate said that if I started a blog on astrology, she would read it. So far, I feel the need to write all this out in a text doc and then edit until the words I've written have no meaning before finally pasting what's left onto here. LET THE FUN BEGIN!